Wednesday, August 10, 2022


We, your Bishops, invite you, Brothers and Sisters, to join with us in reciting this prayer daily in your homes, schools, at gatherings and at the end of Mass especially on Sundays. We ask that this prayer campaign be launched on the solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady – 21 August – until further notice.


Merciful Father,

send forth your Spirit upon us the people of Southern Africa.

May we hear anew the voice of Jesus Christ,

inviting us to walk with him across the turbulent waters of our time:

“Courage, it is I. Do not be afraid.”  (Matthew 14,27).


By the grace of the Holy Spirit empower us

to bring comfort to the restless,

hope to those who despair,

healing to victims of violence,

and reconciliation where there is division.


May the Holy Spirit heal our families and communities.

Grant us ethical and courageous leaders

who put the good of the people before their own interest.


In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

we commit ourselves to speak the truth with courage,

to act justly in all we do,

to share with those in need

and always and everywhere to respect your gift of life

as we strive to proclaim the values of the Kingdom

in solidarity with all people of goodwill.




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