Monday, January 20, 2014

NOVENA PRAYER FOR THE CAUSE OF BENEDICT DASWA begins on Thursday 6 February 2014

We are all invited to pray for the success of the cause of the Servant of God Benedict Daswa during the nine days before the Vigil and Mass of 15th February. We will begin the Novena Prayer on Thursday 6 February 2014 and conclude the Novena Prayer on Friday 14 February. Then on Saturday 15 February many Catholics from Southern Africa will be gathering at Mater Dei Pastoral Centre near Mokopane in the Diocese of Polokwane for the all night Vigil of Prayer and Holy Mass which begins on Saturday 15 February at 6pm and ends on Sunday morning 16 February at 6am.

Below is a shortened form of the main prayer of the novena.The full Novena Prayer with the reflections on the life and death of Benedict Daswa can be read on line or downloaded from the website
Benedict Daswa A Saint for South Africa

Prayer to implore favours through
the intercession of the Servant of God
Tshimangadzo Samuel Benedict Daswa

O Blessed Trinity, you filled the heart of your Servant Benedict with great love and zeal in building up your kingdom. You chose him and gave him the courage and the strength to stand up for his faith without fear and bear witness unto death.

Loving God, like him, may I always proclaim the truth of the gospel by the witness of my life. Keep me away from all deeds of darkness. Protect me from evil spirits and all the powers of evil. Make me a true Apostle of Life in my family and in society.

Father, through his intercession, and according to your will, grant me the grace that I ask of you (…). I draw strength and courage from the life of your Servant Benedict and I hope that he will be proposed to the faithful for veneration and a model of holiness. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

With ecclesiastical approval, 24 August 2013
+Joao Noe Rodrigues, Bishop of Tzaneen (South Africa)

Please send all information regarding graces and favours received through the intercession of the Servant of God, Tshimangadzo Samuel Benedict Daswa to: Diocese of Tzaneen, Cause of Benedict Daswa, P. O. Box 261, Tzaneen 0850, RSA.

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